They know it is coming. So they wait with hope.
He won't let anyone touch him, I told her, so they wait until he takes his evening medication.
Many people refuse to pay the high price for hardback books so they wait for the paperback version.
Or they could wait in hope for the European Central Bank to decide inflation is not so bad after all; or for the Germans to resile from their economic puritanism and become free-spending idlers.
So users, in fact, are impatient: They’re less satisfied and will reduce their number of clicks if they wait too long.
So they decided not to make a deal with Hu but to wait the silk market of the next year.
Why, they ask, did Interval wait so long to assert its rights?
The only harsh words heard among PC users about Windows 7 concerned why they have had to wait so long-and then have to pay for it.
So they surrounded the place and lay in wait for him all night at the city gate. They made no move during the night, saying, "At dawn we'll kill him."
他们就把他团团围住,终夜在城门悄悄埋伏,说:“ 等到天亮我们便杀他。”
So 50 people in one group were asked to wait, with absolutely nothing to do. Another 50 were also asked to wait the same length of time—but they could watch TV.
So it may be wiser to wait for the relief Wells that are being drilled to get down to the point, 4, 000 metres below the sea bed, where they will intersect the existing well.
Well I have to go now, Candy’s old boss is here and they seem to be having some sort of argument so I better attend to that. Can’t wait to see you when I get back!
Transactions must offer the user excellent response time, so these applications should not be made to wait long for the resources they need.
To treat their epilepsy effectively patients must then wait until they have a seizure so that neurosurgeons can locate the exact area of the brain that they need to treat.
Both threads will wait indefinitely for the lock on the other class loader, and so they become deadlocked.
If people on trains always wait for an official to tell them what to do, then perhaps we need to improve communication systems on trains so they have a better chance of working in extreme situations.
The villagers would have fallen on each other, fighting, but they were so desperate to see the wicker lady, they just stood there, to wait.
Kalka also believes that potential homebuyers should consider the fact that the real estate market could be no better or even worse a year from now, so they have to decide if they want to wait it out.
So we will just have to wait for them until they receive those formal proposals and we will see what their response will be, "he said."
While you wait for corporate to approve your official images, direct potential clients to these shots so they can start to visualize the finished product with you.
What is so pressing that it can't wait till they see each other?
Even so, their teaching does not encourage babies to be swimmers at too early an age. They still prefer to wait until the baby is able to understand when to hold their breath.
Bomka had told them to wait, and so they had waited.
When people have to pay for care, they tend to wait until a condition is so far advanced that treatment is difficult, if not impossible, and the costs are much higher.
True, there are a few games that are actually fun, but the majority are so dull they should change the name to—wait for it—bored games.
If so, they think, they can just sit back and wait for another global boom to revive the great German export machine.
True, there are a few games that are actually fun, but the majority are so dull they should change the name to-wait for it-bored games. (Sorry readers, I had to).
And people also use it when they need to pick their kids up, so kids don't have to wait outside in places that aren't safe.
And people also use it when they need to pick their kids up, so kids don't have to wait outside in places that aren't safe.