To perform software project planning and tracking.
Nobody starts a software project planning to fail, but discretion truly is the better part of valor if things start coming apart.
Software cost estimation is an important process of managing software and also the difficult issue in software project planning.
Each software process has a different collection of activities, ways to organize a team, and very often techniques for planning a project.
It includes tools for software development projects, such as iteration planning, project transparency, source control, work items, build support, and customizable process definition and enforcement.
Figure 9: Project planning for iterative, incremental software development.
Most software engineering texts spend some amount of copy on project planning and estimating, including tools like the Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO).
大多数软件工程学课本都花费篇幅介绍项目计划和估计,包括类似ConstructiveCostModel (COCOMO) 5这样的工具。
The Joint Network Management System contract from the Army’s Office of the Project Manager - Current Force calls for SAIC to provide network planning and software support services.
For more complex validations, you can also use the API provided with the deployment planning tools in Rational Software Architect to add your own validator project with its own set of rules.
对于更复杂的确认来说,您还可以使用Rational Software Architect部署规划工具所提供的API,以添加拥有自己规则的确认器项目。
Intended for software test managers and consultants, the book, like Black's process itself, devotes a great deal of time and attention to the early planning and preparation stages of a project.
Use project management software as a tool-not as a substitute for effective planning or interpersonal skills.
The author believes that planning and controlling software project based on the frame will be helpful to the implementation and success of software project.
The knowledge system of project quality management in software research and development were introduced, including software quality planning, software quality assurance, software quality control etc.
Network planning software based on PERT technology is a new kind of project management software developed for compiling schedules for projects.
It is known that the vital elements in managing software project must be planning and controlling of the project.
Goal 1: software estimates are documented for use in planning and tracking the software project.
The company's operations include Network Planning, Prospecting & Design, Hardware InstaIlation, Software Testing, Network Optimization, Network Maintenance and Project Management.
The company's operations include Network Planning, Prospecting & Design, Hardware InstaIlation, Software Testing, Network Optimization, Network Maintenance and Project Management.