First Soichi Noguchi awed us with his Twitpics; then he kept us entertained by preparing space sushi.
(Recall also the work of astronaut Soichi Noguchi, who famously fired away with the same gear during his time aboard the ISS).
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Soichi Noguchi of the space shuttle's STS-130 crew wields a digital SLR camera to capture a view of Earth from the Cupola.
The cupola's fully opened windows look down onthe Sahara Desert in this image that was 'tweeted' from space by JAXAastronaut and Expedition 22 flight engineer Soichi Noguchi.
这幅图中,透过圆顶的全部打开的观察窗向下看到是撒哈拉沙漠。这是在太空中由JAXA宇航员和探索22航空工程师Soichi Noguchi发Twittter传回来的。
Astronaut Soichi Noguchi of Japan watches as a baseball floats toward the camera on the mid-deck of the shuttle Discovery during his "crew choice" video segment from the orbiter August 7, 2005.
05年8月7日,日本宇航员Soichi Noguchi看着一个棒球飘向镜头,这是他在太空舱中拍摄的“crewchoice ”视频中的一个片段。
Astronaut Soichi Noguchi of Japan watches as a baseball floats toward the camera on the mid-deck of the shuttle Discovery during his "crew choice" video segment from the orbiter August 7, 2005.
05年8月7日,日本宇航员Soichi Noguchi看着一个棒球飘向镜头,这是他在太空舱中拍摄的“crewchoice ”视频中的一个片段。