However, if the "click" of an opening door is part of an ominous action such as a burglary, the sound mixer may call attention to the "click" with an increase in volume.
His inventions and innovations included batteries, cement mixer, the sound recording telephone, double- and multi-type cable system, railways used brakes.
What the senior engineer knew was the connection between two sound components — such as receiver, mixer, amplifier, and speakers — went beyond two copper wires and some insulation.
If the sound is unavailable or if you receive an error message, make sure your sound server has been started and that your mixer Settings are correct.
Watch your mixer Settings. If your microphone input gain is set too high, sound will get distorted.
The basic SDL library comes with a very simple sound system. On top of that, SDL mixer adds more sound APIs which build a more flexible solution.
Recording is handled by a sound crew. in shooting a sound engineer called a mixer watches the action and regulates the volume and the balance of voices.
An MP3 mixer requires only a few clicks of your mouse button and voila, you have your music with your own sound stamp.
搅拌机的MP 3只需要一个轻触按钮,随后你滑鼠、你有你有你自己的音乐声邮票。
The PM700 is a compact, powered mixer from Wharfedale Professional and can be used in a variety of application, sound reinforcement or public address.
The sound card mixer is a piece of software either provided by the sound card maker, or by the operating system you're using.
DXM01USB is a USB mixer that can play the sound coming from the computer directly over the USB, without going analog until the very last moment.
DXM01USB是US B调音台可以播放声音来自电脑直接在usb接口,无需模拟,直到最后一刻。
Plastic knobs and buttons are currently widely applied in all kinds of electronic, electric, instrumentation, sound, and mixer devices; they mainly function to position andfix potentiometer switches.
Old age, his inventions and innovations including batteries, cement mixer, sound recording telephone, double - and multi-type cable system, railways used brakes.
Put simply, the 802-VLZ3 is the go-anywhere, fit-anywhere professional mixer, delivering superior sound quality—and unbeatable value.
简言之, 802-VLZ3是去,任何地方,适合中,随时随地专业调音台,提供卓越的音质和无与伦比的价值。
Simple sound calls for the simply excellent XENYX 502, the BEHRINGER mixer with everything you need to give an intimate setting incredible sound.
简单的声音呼吁优秀XENYX 502只,百灵达调音台与一切你需要给一个亲密的环境令人难以置信的声音。
Simple sound calls for the simply excellent XENYX 502, the BEHRINGER mixer with everything you need to give an intimate setting incredible sound.
简单的声音呼吁优秀XENYX 502只,百灵达调音台与一切你需要给一个亲密的环境令人难以置信的声音。