Note that the specification of the target quality attribute for the reengineered system is not specific to our work.
A scope provides for a clear understanding of which elements need to be mapped and how much work remains on an in-progress mapping specification.
Those responsible for specific aspects of a specification that are included in a common document do their work serially.
I could have written a several page description, including mock ups, for the report specification of Figure 4. What would that work achieve?
Since CORBA 2.0, the ability for ORBs of different vendors to work together was made a requirement by the specification.
从CORBA 2.0 开始,该规范就要求不同厂商的ORB 必须能够一起工作。
The specification of the work offered for another
Note that dc and cc are prefixes to work properties to indicate the source of specification.
Some JSF vendors work around this by offering an onPageLoad functionality (see Resources) with their developer tools, but it is not part of the core specification.
有些JSF供应商通过用开发人员工具提供 onPageLoad功能来绕过这个问题(见参考资料),但这不是核心规范的一部分。
Additionally, there is still much work to be done with regards to fleshing out the requirements related to the recent addition of the WS-Secure Conversations specification.
此外,对于形成与最近添加的WS - Secure Conversations规范相关的要求,仍然需要进行大量的工作。
These are the concrete classes with work with the WebSphere Application Server EJB container to make the example EJBs fulfill all of the qualities defined by the EJB specification.
The new Managed Beans specification was the result of work we did in JSR-299 (what we were calling "simple Web Beans" in earlier drafts of the specification).
新的ManagedBean规范是JSR- 299的工作成果(在规范的早期草案中我们称之为“简单Web Bean”)。
They work from a specification of the service interface provided by either the Software Architect or another Developer.
In my line of work, I have responsibilities that range from application architecture design to detailed specification design to actual application development.
During the second step, refactor your application to work out bugs, make use of best practices and conform to the J2EE specification.
However, the committee believes that the current work is sufficiently well developed that observers of the effort deserve the opportunity to comment on the specification.
The modeler USES concepts and patterns as Entities, Value Objects, Unit of Work, Repository, Specification and Aggregates.
There was a lot of work spent on implementing the first version of JPA specification, however it was decided in 2008 to abandon that approach.
The authors of the JAXB specification knew that a specified mapping would not always work for everyone in every situation, so they provided this mechanism to deviate from the standard.
One of the biggest wins of the HTML 5 recommendation is a detailed specification outlining how parsing of HTML documents should work.
The 1.0 specification is complete as of March 2009, with no further work planned.
规范自 2009 年3 月份开始就是完整的,但没有进一步的规划。
So, despite being significantly different than either Tomcat or Jetty, it is not too hard to adapt the same style of programming to work with the proposed APIs of the Servlet 3.0 specification.
而且,尽管与 Tomcat或Jetty相比都有较大的不同,但是修改相同风格的编程来处理Servlet 3.0 规范提议的API并不是太难。
Must strictly abide operate specification, should stop work immediately and identify the reason when have a unusual phenomenon in working. Start work again after clearing of fault.
Prior to the interview, identify examples of specific targets you've met or work you've done that relates to the job specification.
Discussion about the pattern of social work professional education curriculum design and the culture specification probing to localization of social work professionalization are pretty important.
The work of the paper is to research on the generation system of requirement specification based on restricted Chinese description.
Specification of bookkeeping company has itself to buy or rent a fixed working field and equipment, if do not have work place, so the company industry cannot be trusted!
The primary research work of this paper is to discuss how to integrate WISE into the HLA framework and turn it into a federate development tool according with the HLA specification.
Communicate with related users to clarify the undefined specification of requirements, confirm and clean up the paper work.
Communicate with related users to clarify the undefined specification of requirements, confirm and clean up the paper work.