Fortunately, you can have it both ways. You can follow training plans that build the length of your long runs, and others that improve your speed-endurance.
You can follow training plans that build the length of your long runs, and others that improve your speed-endurance.
If an athlete trains mainly for speed, those muscle fibers in the middle will act as if they are high-intensity ones, but endurance training will make them behave more like the low-intensity fibers.
It may be that training for endurance is not the most effective method of getting in great athletic shape and it may even be counterproductive when trying to build strength, speed, and explosiveness.
While increasing endurance and upper limbs and trunk, against the ability of training to improve speed and close personal defense defensive resistance capability.
On the base of this, this paper put forward a training system for middle and long distance run which is based on aerobic capacity and centered on speed and speed endurance.
Speed can only be improved through proper training of the nervous system and by avoiding excessive endurance work.
In Middle School P. E. teaching, the focus of 400-metre race training should be put on speed and endurance, that is, on how to lengthen the duration of speed summit.
The paper discusses the speed quality, functions of reaction speed, moving speed, speed strength and speed endurance in sprint, and it a1s0 introduces some training methods for reference.
The duty of the training is to develop the physical capacity of all aspects, general endurance, speed capacity, psychological capacity are more important.
The level of speed endurance and aerobic endurance is low. The physical fitness training plans are not long-term many years training plans, individual training plans, and science control.
The level of speed endurance and aerobic endurance is low. The physical fitness training plans are not long-term many years training plans, individual training plans, and science control.