Soon, pizza spread across the country with the rapid development of the city.
Our extended family is spread across the country.
By 2004, the disease had spread across the country.
Expertise in this field is very thinly spread across the country.
The wheat crop was heavily damaged and wildfires spread across the country.
In 1982, someone poisoned bottles of aspirin, killing seven consumers. Fear spread across the country.
But the petrol shortages that have spread across the country in recent days, prompting long queues at the pump, are a different matter.
Having schools spread across the country meant adjusting the lines of communication so that the high quality of the concept remains intact.
The "day of rage", organised like others in the Middle East on social networking websites, spread across the country, with bloody consequences.
Experts say early explorers in the American West spoke the Choctaw language in the nineteenth century. The language spread across the country.
And as those groups have spread across the country, some have replicated not only the social networking of other fraternities, but also their excesses.
As word of the incident spread across the country, Libyans in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi fired celebratory shots into the air and honked car horns.
He and his team of colleagues, including a German theoretical physicist, pore over vast quantities of data gleaned from soldiers spread across the country.
Only later, as America turned its attention to Iraq, did NATO take over the stabilisation force in Afghanistan; it started in Kabul in 2003, then spread across the country.
In Poland, for example, where citi has 200 branches spread across the country, bankers said the network would be refocused over time on Warsaw and possibly one or two other cities.
The West Nile virus continues to spread across the country, so do reports of human infections and deaths. CNN medical correspondent Rea Blakey joins us now with the very latest - Rea.
The virus spread rapidly across the country, as the first case had been recorded three months earlier.
As India's energy resources are spread unevenly across the country, the efficient transmission of power from surplus to deficient regions is critical.
GRACEnet researchers are spread out over 32 sites across the country, but they communicate often and meet periodically.
Russia's summer misery continued, as forest wildfires spread across large swathes of the country. At least 48 people have been killed.
And for another 2000 years Chinese dynasties built walls. In the end a whole network of walls spread across the northern tier of the country.
Slack oversight by one country can, as the crisis has revealed, spread chaos across many.
Brazil must also deliver huge infrastructure developments such as roads and airport terminals so that fans can move between the 12 venues spread across the huge country.
A separate disease, acute oak decline, is killing oaks, while chestnut trees have been felled across the country because of infections spread by moths.
A separate disease, acute oak decline, is killing oaks, while chestnut trees have been felled across the country because of infections spread by moths.