It is feared that the harmful chemicals in denim have spread far and wide.
This means that while raindrops can form, chemicals are often spread far and wide and potentially damage the environment.
The news has spread far and wide.
The grass spread far and wide.
Its branches spread far and wide.
The scandal has spread far and wide.
The exciting news spread far and wide.
Shop famous name spread far and wide, full of steak savory Chinese.
An outbreak today is almost guaranteed to quickly spread far and wide.
John Lennon's legacy has spread far and wide, mostly through his music.
Those figures were spread far and wide, ending up in many science books.
May the grace of Dragon King spread far and wide to benefit more beings!
Many underground activist organizations began to spread far and wide throughout the country.
In 1588, its English version spread far and wide in Britain, and became the real and detailed data base of Chinese culture.
This story spread far and wide, and many people were realized that even an animal that crawls on the ground values its life.
Individual donations by all sections of society, including senior citizens and school children, spread far and wide in China.
The story of Mother Ghost Nurturing a Child, which has spread far and wide among the Chinese people, fits into a universal genre of stories.
Since the advent of Dream of the Red Mansion, its influence has spread far and wide, which is unmatched by all other classic Chinese writings.
When bad debts occur, the pain is spread far and wide instead of focused on the high-street banks, which hold the deposits of ordinary consumers.
I set out to answer these questions and along the way I found some striking similarities between these fit nations, spread far and wide across the globe.
The Milky Way is huge—about 100, 000 light years across—and contains 400 billion stars, but given enough time, a determined civilization could spread far and wide.
Large scale stone statues, exquisite, monks have gathered in the Quartet, a very temporary victory, fame spread far and wide, quite "Longnan Dunhuang" and Qiao Yu.
This is hardly the first time that a big security breach has led to the mass theft of digital data. But the fallout from the Epsilon debacle will spread far and wide.
Hopefully our Wing Chun will go through many generations and spread far and wide, while at the same time all the participants will improve their standard of English.
Question: I would like again to ask the forgiveness of the Venerable Acharn for having asked this question, but I have long heard of your fame, which has spread far and wide.
Up to the end of Qianlong emperor, its text had spread far and wide, but little research had been made from the level of literature, especially for its literary status and value.
Up to the end of Qianlong emperor, its text had spread far and wide, but little research had been made from the level of literature, especially for its literary status and value.