The query in Listing 24 retrieves information about comments involving products with a suggested retail price (srp) of more than $100 USD that include a customer request for a response.
清单22中的查询检索关于评论的信息,评论所涉及的产品是建议零售价("srp")大于 $100 的产品,并且在评论中客户请求响应。
The query in Listing 24 retrieves information about comments involving products with a suggested retail price (srp) of more than $100 USD that include a customer request for a response.
清单22中的查询检索关于评论的信息,评论所涉及的产品是建议零售价("srp")大于 $100 的产品,并且在评论中客户请求响应。