It took one crisis to bring the stabilisation fund into being.
The strains that the stabilisation fund is designed to prevent seem to be returning.
As a sort of holding operation until the stabilisation fund is up and running, the ECB has been buying the bonds of troubled euro-zone countries.
The Securities Association of China said that the 21 brokers contributing to a market stabilisation fund would not sell stocks as long as the Shanghai Composite index remained below 4,500.
中国证券业协会(SecuritiesAssociationof China)表示,只要上证综指低于4500点,21家参与建立平准基金的券商就不会抛出股票。
The fund said that “financial conditions have improved more than expected, owing mainly to public intervention”, but that stabilisation is “uneven” and recovery will be “sluggish”.
You can see why a call from Canada's Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund may strike you differently from an offer by Venezuela's Investment Fund for Macroeconomic Stabilisation.
You can see why a call from Canada's Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund may strike you differently from an offer by Venezuela's Investment Fund for Macroeconomic Stabilisation.