We must stand sentinel to protect ourselves; the jewels over which they kept guard were stolen.
Far more inexplicable is the decision to withdraw the Sentinel R.1 Airborne STand Off Radar (ASTOR) from service when it is' no longer required to support operations in Afghanistan '.
更令人费解的是让“哨兵”R . 1机载远程雷达(ASTOR)在“不再需要支持在阿富汗的行动”时退出现役的决定。
Far more inexplicable is the decision to withdraw the Sentinel R.1 Airborne STand Off Radar (ASTOR) from service when it is' no longer required to support operations in Afghanistan '.
更令人费解的是让“哨兵”R . 1机载远程雷达(ASTOR)在“不再需要支持在阿富汗的行动”时退出现役的决定。