The power supply of the system is provided by the batteries being measured and the standby batteries, solving the problem associated with AC mains turning off during battery discharging.
Desktop Boards are designed to have continued power supply in standby mode even if the system has been shut down.
The battery is standby power supply when the power source system cut, and it widely applies to the profession of industrial production, traffic, communication and so on.
The microcontroller of AT89C55WD is the center of system. The paper adopts multiplexing technique and the commercial power plays the role of major supply, with the standby power only as a assistant.
本文以at89c55 WD单片机为控制核心,采用线路复用技术,本着基站以市电供电为主,后备电源供电为辅的运行原则进行远程供电。
The microcontroller of AT89C55WD is the center of system. The paper adopts multiplexing technique and the commercial power plays the role of major supply, with the standby power only as a assistant.
本文以at89c55 WD单片机为控制核心,采用线路复用技术,本着基站以市电供电为主,后备电源供电为辅的运行原则进行远程供电。