We have investigated the localization of the two atoms passing through a standing wave in an optical cavity by measuring the field quadrature.
The influence of atomic internal state population on its translational motion in a quantized standing wave cavity field with spatial periodic structure is investigated.
基于原子作双光子共振跃迁的原子场缀饰态 ,讨论了驻波腔场中两能级原子的量子化平移运动与原子内态布居间的相互影响。
The influence of atomic internal state population on its translational motion in a quantized standing wave cavity field with spatial periodic structure is investigated.
基于原子作双光子共振跃迁的原子场缀饰态 ,讨论了驻波腔场中两能级原子的量子化平移运动与原子内态布居间的相互影响。