At last, Non state owned economy trends are analysed with the principle.
Analysts say soaring prices are being driven by a surge of easy credit pumped into the economy by state-owned Banks.
Depositors have also been shifting away from private banks-former stars of the new Indian economy-towards once-unfashionable state-owned ones.
As a focus with most vitality and vigor in national economy, non-state-owned economy has been an important factor of supporting and promoting economy increase.
China's Banks - all of them state - owned behemoths - are products of a command economy.
As a managing and supervising organization of the state-owned economy, the structure of the senior clerks of the National Resources Committee was characteristic.
The high rate of non-performing loans of the state-owned Banks has influenced their ability to support the economy seriously, and its potential risk can not get rid of either.
Whether selling the equity of state-owned banks is undervaluing or not is a hot problem highlighted in economy and finance theory communities.
At present, the core of the reform is the strategic reorganization of state-owned economy and the establishment of the corporate administrative mechanism.
Therefore, several policy Suggestions, including the exit of state-owned commercial Banks, should be implemented to keep the funding resource in the county-economy.
Based on the theory of market structure in the economics, the paper shows the necessity and way of which state-owned geological prospecting economy should retreat from some industries.
The essence of privately operating the stat-owned enterprises is to realize the state-owned property right, but not the private ownership in economy.
The second chapter is the state-owned Holding company's in national economy leading role.
In terms of economy, he absorbs the theory of Marx and Engels, putting forward the "state -owned" idea.
Now the new tax system talks about "equality between public and private enterprises"; that is at variance with the line which makes the state-owned economy the leading sector.
Now the new tax system talks about "equality between public and private enterprises"; that is at variance with the line which makes the state-owned economy the leading sector.