While C# remains a statically typed language, we aim to vastly improve the interaction with such objects.
As we described in the previous section, a statically typed language binds the type to a variable for the lifetime of that variable.
This is annoying in any language, but especially problematic for statically typed languages where one wants to map those unnamed types to actual classes.
The low barrier of entry leads some people to call it a script kiddie language, others scoff at the concept of a dynamic language while riding their statically typed high horse.
This Visual Studio add-on strives to offer first class IDE support for Boo, a relatively new.net language that while inspired by Python, is statically typed.
Static in principle, dynamic when required: the mobl language is statically typed, enabling IDE features such as error highlighting, reference resolving and code completion.
Static in principle, dynamic when required: the mobl language is statically typed, enabling IDE features such as error highlighting, reference resolving and code completion.