Four. General Pai without any props, without practice, moments from the opposite recognize each color of the sign and points, 100% correct, stick out a mile.
Six: location display products is divided into six zones, four post LED light display, stick out a mile, suspicious objects in each region accurately display.
PLC intelligent control system, Device control program run by automatic, Intelligent touch screen operation, The running state of the equipment is stick out a mile.
Shawshank is half a mile distant. WE TRACK ALONG a muddy creek as STATE TROOPERS and prison GUARDS scour the brush. A TROOPEE fishes a prison uniform out of the creek with a long stick.
Shawshank is half a mile distant. WE TRACK ALONG a muddy creek as STATE TROOPERS and prison GUARDS scour the brush. A TROOPEE fishes a prison uniform out of the creek with a long stick.