And neither the valuation explanation nor the supply argument really explains why this year's tech stock selloff didn't spread.
Given that the U.S. downgrade was widely anticipated, what do you make of the sharp stock market selloff?
In a report last week, Wells Fargo Securities warned of "psychological damage" that could lead to a selloff in the stock markets.
在上周的一份报告中,富国证券(Wells Fargo Securities)警告说,“心理伤害”可能会引发股市抛售潮。
In a report last week, Wells Fargo Securities warned of "psychological damage" that could lead to a selloff in the stock markets.
在上周的一份报告中,富国证券(Wells Fargo Securities)警告说,“心理伤害”可能会引发股市抛售潮。