According to the analysis of Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic evolution, Bohai Bay basin is a strike slip pull apart basin formed in the Cenozoic Eocene epoch.
Based on the negative flower shaped structure and its relative structural movement track in Fangzheng area, this paper suggests that Fangzheng rift is a rifted basin formed by strike slip pull apart.
Jiaolai basin is a strike-slip and pull-apart basin controlled by the Yishu Fault Belt and Wulian -jimo-muping Fault.
Huanushan - Wufenshan and Huangjianqiu -Xinchang formed positive strike -slip up-warping region, middle belt shown negative down warping, developed Daqishan pull -apart basin.
The Jiaolai strike-slip pull-apart basin is characterized by: 1 shallow-water sequences along the strike-slip faults and deep-water sequences far from the strike-slip faults;
The pull-apart basin formed around the steps of the strike-slip fault refers to a low terrain area due to tensile force from the fault.
拉分盆地指沿着走滑断裂带弯曲部位,由于拉张而产生的地形上的低洼处, 多形成于走滑断裂带次级断裂的间列部位。
The study shows that volcanic activity in Xiangshan volcanic basin may be divided into two cycles, and its emplacement is controlled by strike slip pull apart process originated from the deep regiona.
研究表明 ,相山火山盆地火山活动划分为两个旋回 ,其就位受制于区域深断裂的走滑拉分作用。
The Fangxian basin of Cenozoic era of south Qinling is a pull-apart basin at the southeastern end of the Ankang-Zhushan-Fangxian NW-trending left-lateral strike-slip fault zone.
The Fangxian basin of Cenozoic era of south Qinling is a pull-apart basin at the southeastern end of the Ankang-Zhushan-Fangxian NW-trending left-lateral strike-slip fault zone.