According to the invention, the needle has a cannelure (14), for holding a supporting element (19) with a form of strip (20).
Next, open each of those files and strip out everything but the main form element and its child elements.
The presentation of this 300 mm wide light strip is the most powerful defining element of the interior space.
The radiating element of array antenna is air dielectric microstrip patch antenna, which has high efficiency, and the feed network is low loss air strip, which can reduce the loss of the feed line.
The horizontal and vertical displacement of a strip footing affected by the presence of interface element.
Numerical simulation of multi point bending process of strip under different loading paths is dealt with the finite element polycrystal model.
This paper try to mix the finite strip method and hybrid stress element, and deduce a numerical and computer method which combines the advantages of the two methods -mixed hybrid finite strip method;
In the paper, the elastoplastic boundary element method (BEM) of the initial strain is worked at calculating parameters of flat rolling of plate and strip.
The device comprises a spiral wound element (50) within the housing that receives and coils said strip of blisters that have been breached.
The process was controllable and could be applied to strip the photoresist residual of diffractive optical element fabricated on the thick substrate.
Balanced micro-strip line is utilized as feed line, printed dipole is adopted as radiation element, and a matching network is employed for tuning the input impedance of the antenna.
The solidification model of twin-roller strip casting is established. The solidification process of strip casting is mathematically simulated by using the finite element software.
Finite element method was carry out to investigated the effects of friction in a novel equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) based procedure which can handles the strip metal ECAP procedure.
Using the ANSYS finite element analysis software, thermal analysis and thermal stress analysis of side dam in the strip casting process are carried out to explain the cause of side dam cracking.
A new method-the stream surface strip element method (SSSEM) for simulating the three-dimensional deformations of plate and strip rolling process is put forward.
The finite element methods used in simulation on hot rolling of strip are introduced as well as the instances of revealing mechanics parameters, temperature field, and development of new process.
In this paper the vibrations of sandwich and composite material plates are analyzed by use of the finite thick strip method. As compared with the conventional finite element and finite strip methods.
Accordingly, the needle are used to guide on the two surfaces of a guide element (19) and the strip (20), wherein the surface deviates each other.
The results show that the plate strip influences the shear resistance of walls lightly based on a detailed parametric study using nonlinear finite element analysis.
MARE, a nonlinear finite element modeling of the tension device in the skin pass mill for hot strip was built. The accuracy and reliability of this model was proved by experiments.
Research on the Strip Element Method of Three Thermo-Mechanical Coupling of Plate and Strip Rolling and Development of the Simulation System;
In this paper the 3 dimensional finite element analysis for transverse flux induction heating (TFIH) of continuously moving thin steel strip for galvanizing line are presented.
In this paper the 3 dimensional finite element analysis for transverse flux induction heating (TFIH) of continuously moving thin steel strip for galvanizing line are presented.