Using strongly typed objects as parameters, thereby combining data and code, implies a specific behavior.
After a discussion about strongly typed objects versus list-based data structures, Andrej moves on to definitions verses variables.
The goal of a method signature that accepts generic data instead of strongly typed objects is to ensure loose coupling between the caller and the target object.
It features a strongly typed hierarchy of mathematical objects and commonly used programming data structures for grouping and controlling the objects.
Designing simple and strongly-typed objects from XSD is fundamental to Web services interoperability.
使用XSD设计简单且强类型(strongly - typed)的对象是Web服务互操作性的基础。
The disadvantage is that strongly-typed report objects cannot be used in the application and the reports must be loaded from disk.
This class is not intended for public use and is used to generate strongly typed client-side objects for communicating with data services.
Used by the code generation command line tools and tools in Visual Studio to generate strongly typed client-side objects for communicating with data services.
For these reasons, arrays are most useful for creating and working with a fixed number of strongly-typed objects.
For these reasons, arrays are most useful for creating and working with a fixed number of strongly-typed objects.