The data structure of ecosystem is different from the commercial's.
The indicators of ecosystem integrity can be grouped into indicator species, structure-function-composition indicators, and stress-response indicators.
Third Prize: Within the stacked volumes and light, porous and tall shell, the ecosystem, structure and functions of the tower have all been carefully considered.
Soil environmental capacity is the maximum tolerable amount of pollutants inputed into a soil ecosystem, which still maintains its normal structure and functions.
At last, the authors analyze the future research directions and research highlights, such as the theory and research methods, coupling model, and optimized water-heat structure of desert ecosystem.
According to the physical basis of the stability, the stability of ecosystem is divided into the integrity stability and the stability of system structure.
In the hierarchical structure, population ecology is foundation of others grows up and the most active field, but the organizational ecosystem is the important new research topic.
It emphasizes the human ecosystem between the internal and external environment of harmony, between the system structure and function combination.
The rise of salinity caused the many effects on the marine ecosystem, such as the breeding areas, nursery areas and marine biological community structure in Laizhou Bay, etc.
Layer structure, synusia structure and height - classes structure and dynamics of degraded ecosystem were studied.
Firstly, this thesis introduced the components, structure, characteristics and functions of a river ecosystem.
Urban ecosystem is the continental ecosystem centering round mankind, with its structure changed, material cycle and part of energy conversion forms reformed.
Patches Mosaic is the basic property of community which makes the structure and function of ecosystem prolonged maintaining.
The results showed that marine ecosystem self repair ability is the key factor, followed by the organizational structure of the marine ecosystem.
The structure and function of the coastal wetland ecosystem in southern Laizhou Bay has been changed greatly and influenced by regional hydrological changes.
First, optimized the industrial structure of Marine fishery; forth, needed to protect ocean ecosystem environment.
The structure of brand ecosystem is put forth by making an analysis of the ecological substance of the brand question. The dynamics principle of brand ecosystem is generalized.
The soil animal is a major component of the terrestrial ecosystem, and plays an important role in material recycling, energy conversion, and soil structure forming and improving.
The energy inputs and their structure, efficiencies, and the relationship between energy input and output in the farmland ecosystem of Jianyang County were studied in this paper.
Small-scale spatial structure of plant species is important in plant ecology as it affects the dynamics of plant populations, communities and ecosystem processes.
Oasis-ecosystem is a kind of particular ecosystem. It has special structure and function.
The structure and the functions of wetland ecosystem have greatly changed under the synthetic effect of disturbance factors.
A reservoir is built in housetop, have structure of wall of edaphic lay aside, some of alga, fish is put inside, form small-sized ecosystem with assuring water quality fresh.
The environmental benefits of land consolidation are the effect of the practice upon the structure and function of natural ecosystem and the environment.
The environmental benefits of land consolidation are the effect of the practice upon the structure and function of natural ecosystem and the environment.