The subaqueous Changjiang River delta has its own distinctive depositional processes and products.
Both subaerial and subaqueous volcanic rocks can be found in Yingcheng Formation of Songliao Basin.
The precondition that preserves subaqueous fan is the backwater environment of deeper or deep lacus.
After installation and debugging, the system is confirmed feasible and stable in measuring subaqueous topography.
This phenomenon is of significance in studying the mechanism of soil failure in the subaqueous Yellow River Delta.
The subaqueous distributary channel is the main type of the fan delta front while the channel mouth bar is developed locally.
Based on certain subaqueous weapon's fact system confirmation, a scheme of data fusion used in the shooting range is designed.
Typical features of subaqueous volcanic rocks include perlite with glassy structure and pillow structure, lamellar tuff, bentonite.
The types of sedimentary facies were mainly fan-shaped delta, delta, Binshore subaqueous fans, slump turbid fan, lake facies, fluvial facies.
Urban subaqueous highway tunnel, not only subaqueous, but also in urban area, is a typical geotechnical engineering in vulnerable environment.
The results of numerical modeling of subaqueous induced polarization show that the topographic don't have influence on the section of IP sounding.
There are a great many different scale and shape unstable features developed on the subaqueous delta of the modern Changjiang River and Huanghe River.
The Dongying Formation in Laoyemiao region consists of fan delta, lake delta, neritic subaqueous fan and subaqueous gravity flow and lake depositional systems.
The subaqueous distributary channel clastic rock bodies in the fan delta front formed the main part of the fan delta and the most important oil and gas reservoirs.
Based on depositional characteristics, the heterogeneous conglomerate has a dual character combining glaciomarine facies and subaqueous block flow by gravity in origin.
The floating caisson construction method can also be applied to river channel power stations, ports, offshore drilling platforms, subaqueous tunnels, Bridges, locks, etc.
The favorable reservoirs are dissolution pore facies and chlorite cement facies in the sand bodies of subaqueous distributary channels and center of river mouth sandbars.
The Jurassic of Junggar basin is a river delta sedimentary system, with subaqueous distributary channel and mouth bar sand body developed in the hinterland of Junggar basin.
ResultsSand architecture of fan delta, subaqueous fan associated with main mass sources are outlined, helping to identify potential structural, lithologic and composite traps.
The elaborate division to microfacieses can help us to realize deposition of subaqueous fan and the distribution of remaining oil, and adjust the development plan to oil field.
The application scheme of the artificial freezing method in Xuanwu Lake subaqueous highway tunnel construction and the constructing procedure of the freezing method are introduced.
The application scheme of the artificial freezing method in Xuanwu Lake subaqueous highway tunnel construction and the constructing procedure of the freezing method are introduced.