Index weight was calculated through combination weighting approach of subjective and objective evaluation method of analytic hierarchy process and entropy method combination.
But subjective evaluation has poor transparency and reappearance, objective method lacks of theoretical foundation, subjective and objective Weight tends to pay no attention to theory.
R&D, manufacturing, marketing and management. In such an evaluation process, the subjective weight shall be determined by experts and then the objective weight determined by entropy weight method.
A method of Dynamic Constitution Evaluation is suggested in this paper. Subjective weigh is given based on G1 method, and objective weight obtained from entropy method.
Results the method of assessing qualified personnel has been formed in hospital technical assessing, with the scientific combination of both subjective evaluation and the objective index.
The nondimensional force fatigue had widely applied ranges and well veracity. The combination of nondimensional subjective and objective evaluations was the optimal fatigue evaluation method.
Presents concept of frequent model and comprehensive evaluation method combined the objective and subjective measurements, which enhances the evaluation about association rules.
This model is a method of contracting risk distinguish, evaluation, in which subjective and objective analysis are combined.
Abstracted multiple attribute decision making problem from the strip steel quality evaluation, got two groups of attribute weights by using subjective weighting method and objective weighting method.
Experimental results show that the pronunciation evaluation method can significantly improve the correlation between the objective evaluation and subjective evaluation.
The subjective and objective evaluation show that this MSR algorithm is better than the traditional MSR method in details and color fidelity in fog image enhancement.
This model is a method of quality analysis of reinforced concrete elements, in which subjective and objective analysis are combined, and shows that concrete quality evaluation changing from...
This model is a method of quality analysis of reinforced concrete elements, in which subjective and objective analysis are combined, and shows that concrete quality evaluation changing from...