We have a subprime financial system, "he said, not a subprime mortgage market."
THE financial storm that blew up in America's subprime mortgage market last year has become a hurricane.
The recent defaults in the subprime mortgage market may be affecting other bond investors and cutting off credit to the housing market.
The current financial crisis began with the collapse of the subprime mortgage market, which was certainly largest in the United States.
And troubles in the subprime mortgage market may spread, inhibiting lending to borrowers in better standing, and thus feeding back into prices.
It was several months after the subprime mortgage market turned sour before the scale of the losses at two Bear Stearns hedge funds became clear.
Banks will also suffer from their exposure to failed hedge funds, just as some have already been hit by their exposure to the subprime mortgage market.
The subprime mortgage market was bringing people into the mortgage market who in prior decades would not have been involved — would not have had any mortgage.
Countrywide Bank is part of Countrywide Financial Corp, the largest mortgage lender in the United States with a big stake in the troubled subprime mortgage market.
The United States subprime mortgage market turmoil in the United States is the direct cause of the rise in interest rates and housing market continued to cool.
But there are likely to be other risk management implications from the turmoil in the US subprime mortgage market, and the crisis in the credit markets that followed.
So when one starts to wonder why investors were so slow to wake up to the problems of the subprime mortgage market (see article), information overload has to be a factor.
By now the whole world has heard the story of the problems in the subprime mortgage market, which began to show up in the United States in 2007 and then spread around the world.
The two Leviathans have squeezed private firms into the riskiest ends of the mortgage market, such as subprime lending.
Most of the damage so far is in the "subprime" mortgage market, which lends to people whose income is too low, or whose credit history too patchy, to qualify for an ordinary mortgage.
That became painfully evident this year after American finance companies lent to needy borrowers with poor credit records in the “subprime” mortgage market.
The three big credit-rating agencies have overhauled their methods of assessing default risk in the American subprime-mortgage market in the past month.
The home-improvement market has been badly hit by the subprime-mortgage meltdown.
” is the question posed by one of the characters in “The Big Short”, Michael Lewis’s new book on those few investors who bet against the subprime-mortgage market.
The explosion of the subprime-mortgage market early in the 2000s may now appear insane, but it had a logic.
The fund dealt only in mortgage-backed securities with top-notch credit-ratings, and not the subprime market, indicating how far the credit crisis has spread.
In the United States subprime lending was a relatively small bit of the mortgage market-itself just apart of America's financial markets.
In the United States subprime lending was a relatively small bit of the mortgage market-itself just apart of America's financial markets.