Indeed, changes in valuation may subtract from future returns.
How do I get this function to add or subtract from a range and return it?
They're not going to subtract from your life, they're going to add to your life.
Next with the Elliptical Marquee Tool selected, click on the Subtract From Selection option on the Tool's Options Panel.
Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the LORD your God that I give you.
The service interface allowed clients to create instances of a calculator and subsequently add and subtract from the calculator total.
客户端可以在服务接口创建calculator实例,然后从calculator total中进行添加或删减。
You can easily create a scrip account within the game to add to and subtract from as a result of an agreed-upon exchange by the players.
Create a rectangular path inside our path and select Subtract from option bar. Add two sharp points on each corner, after that delete all corners.
Sum in weight percent all the impurities found: water, acidity, carbon dioxide and aldehydes and subtract from 100.0 percent to obtain the percent by weight ethylene oxide.
The armed forces could assemble them when needed, add to them, subtract from them and eventually dismantle them when they are no longer required—and all without leaving a trace.
First, competitiveness is a woolly concept that wrongly supposes countries, like football teams, win only when another team loses. But one country's economic growth does not subtract from another's.
They subtract this loan balance from the sale price and you get cash to buy another house.
They subtract this from the purchase price of the house and then you've got the cash to go and buy another house.
Simply subtract the free heap value from the total heap size to get this value.
For the first, subtract your age from 220 to find your maximum heart rate.
But you could subtract all those shuttle flights from high-flux routes like New york-boston by connecting them with maglevs.
If we define meaning as helping people in faraway places, we implicitly subtract meaning from the actual work we are doing.
To make the calculation, you simply subtract what you owe (your liabilities) from what you own (your assets).
When you’ve determined annual amounts for each entry, subtract them from your salary.
Now in order to have the exact shadow we need to subtract the contour of our guy from the remaining selection.
If the 32-year-old runner's resting pulse is 60, subtract that from 188 to get a 128 average training heart rate.
What's more, any background noise will be different from the noise signals we are working with, making it possible to subtract its effect.
So to get into the center-of-mass frame, you must subtract the velocity of the center of mass from the initial velocities.
This example from the SCA application has the more-complicated call from the calculator service to a subtract service method.
Specifically, the researchers determined whether a volunteer decided to add or subtract two numbers in a math exercise from patterns of brain activity in the medial and lateral prefrontal cortex.
The subtract operator, however, is not commutative; therefore, you need two operations to handle the value to be subtracted and the value from which the subtraction will take place.
So, if we want to compare them, we should probably subtract them from each other. OK, so let's do the flux integral for S1 minus the flux integral for S2 of the same thing.
If you subtract the insets from the screen size, you have the size your window should be.
Subtract a little bit of chemical potential from the reactants.
Subtract a little bit of chemical potential from the reactants.