They are also suggesting that people should share work and thus reduce unemployment.
I'm not suggesting that people in their thirties and forties shouldn't become entrepreneurs.
I say very unfortunately, because we do need English and I am not in any way suggesting that people should not learn English at all.
No one is suggesting that people should stop taking their prescriptions, keep smoking or swelter in the July sun, according to the researcher Allison.
Powell also echoed Obama in suggesting that people use their MLK Service Day experience as a springboard to volunteering year round: "Mentor at a school."
He points to previous observational research suggesting that people who skip breakfast in favor of massive meals in the evening hours tend to be overweight.
Wisconsin, for instance, had high readings for extraversion and agreeableness but low for openness, suggesting that people there are sociable and traditional.
There is even research suggesting that people who are more mentally active have a lower chance of developing certain degenerative brain diseases in later life.
But the findings do bolster research suggesting that people can significantly improve their health by making simple changes to the daily diet, other researchers said.
There have been many news reports recently suggesting that the way young people spend their leisure time has been altered by modern technology.
There are a handful of claims that people make about death suggesting that they think that death is mysterious or unique or hard to comprehend.
Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that they are working through negative feelings generated during the day.
Early research found that people were strangely reluctant to challenge queue-jumpers, suggesting our spontaneous social order is fairly week.
I'm not suggesting that everyone else should do the same, but it's something that resonates with people I talk to about it.
I'm not suggesting that you should give unfair advantages to ugly people.
More than half of the original study group had moved out of the favelas, suggesting they are not the dead-end that many people suppose.
It turns out when you do that women get hired far more suggesting that the stereotype is a, incorrect and B, has a real negative and unfair effect on people getting hired.
Those with the growling stomachs consistently gave less money to charity, suggesting that when people sense scarcity in one domain, they conserve resources in another.
The problem is that when people hear about a single study suggesting a particular food might be good for us, it is easy to assume scientists are now telling us to start eating it.
There has been plenty of research suggesting that many people eat in response to negative moods and stress, but there is less evidence that eating actually improves mood.
CHICAGO — The number of Americans being treated for depression grew more slowly in the past decade, suggesting that many people may not get the care they need, U.S. researchers said on Monday.
The reports authors' reference other studies suggesting that, over time, bombarding people with a "sufficient" amount of clear, correct information can work.
But there are a handful of claims that people make about death suggesting that they think, and they think we all think, that death is mysterious or unique or hard to comprehend.
The first thing to understand is that we'renever suggesting people just give away content and then hope and praythat some secondary market will grant them money.
Apple may only be protecting their very profitable iTunes business, but in this case, they're suggesting that the DMCA covers people merely talking about technical protection measures.
Although I'm not suggesting that you choose a career or trade you dislike, I've heard way too many smart people say something like, "in order to be great at what you do, you have to like what you do."
There are some people suggesting that e-books should be popularized in our country.
On the other hand, we're equally sure that Ramsay enjoys flaying living people - suggesting that someone else entirely may have been relieved of their skin.
A previous study showed that gossip is more powerful than truth, suggesting people believe what they hear through the grapevine even if they have evidence to the contrary.
A previous study showed that gossip is more powerful than truth, suggesting people believe what they hear through the grapevine even if they have evidence to the contrary.