Apple conducted its own review of the facility but found few violations of its supplier code of conduct.
Apple's "Supplier Code of Conduct" also lists detailed rules on control of hazardous substances, solid waste, waste-water and air emissions.
If any breach of the supplier Code of Conduct should occur, we encourage our employees and suppliers' employees to report any such breach without risk of reprisal or other negative consequence.
Supplier must insure that the Subcontractor has entered into a written commitment to comply with this Code of Conduct before any production may begin.
The supplier has since implemented a simplified pay structure that meets the Code of Conduct.
The supplier has enacted a policy change to enforce the weekly overtime limits set by our Code of Conduct.
Any subcontractor retained by a Federated supplier must be in compliance with this Code of Conduct and each of Federated's suppliers is responsible for ensuring its subcontractor's compliance.
Any subcontractor retained by a Federated supplier must be in compliance with this Code of Conduct and each of Federated's suppliers is responsible for ensuring its subcontractor's compliance.