But the euro, the Korean won and the Swedish krona have also weakened by more than 6% against the dollar, and the yen has fallen by 7.6%.
Sweden has kept to its traditional Swedish kronor as a monetary unit, with exchange rates fluctuating from . 08-. 12 USD to 1 Swedish krona, ordinarily.
Against the Swiss franc and the Australian dollar the euro has hit all-time lows in the past month and just last week sank to a record low against the Swedish krona.
However, in recent weeks it is diverging from the Swiss franc and to a lesser extent the Swedish and Norwegian krona. This is due to the growing fears about the survival of the single currency.
However, in recent weeks it is diverging from the Swiss franc and to a lesser extent the Swedish and Norwegian krona. This is due to the growing fears about the survival of the single currency.