It can be very useful to look at the total elapsed time and compare that with the user and system CPU times.
Percentage of system CPU time percentage system time is the percentage of non-idle processor time spent in system mode.
PercentageofSystem CPU Time(系统CPU时间百分比)系统时间百分比是系统模式下非空闲处理器时间的百分比。
The cost can be one of the following metrics: execution time per query execution, user CPU time per query execution, and system CPU time per query execution.
The user CPU time is the CPU time attributed to user instructions. The system CPU time is the CPU time attributed to the kernel when it executes on behalf of the process.
On first glance, you might think you have a CPU bottleneck, as the system is definitely working hard and there is little idle time.
Captured CPU time is the CPU busy time that the operating system can reliably attribute to a given address space.
捕获的CPU时间是操作系统能可靠地用于一个特定的地址空间的 CPU 被占时间。
This test scenario compared average user response times, probe response time, system CPU utilization, memory used, and disk utilization at various loads.
In a system that is CPU-bound, all the processors are 100 percent busy and some jobs might be waiting for CPU time in the run queue.
As a result, the operating system is too busy paging to give the application server the required CPU time.
System and user CPU time: The elapsed CPU time consumed invoking a method.
Suspending a thread requires the operating system to swap it out of the CPU often before it's time quantum has been consumed.
CPU time comprises user as well as system CPU.
Under Linux, QEMU sessions consume little CPU time except when the guest operating system is doing work.
Most notably, The Times that Anacron runs its jobs may cause these jobs to use up CPU time or otherwise impair system performance when users want to get work done.
The "sys" field tells you the sum of CPU time used by the system as a whole.
If your system spends most of its time serving up Web applications, then you can turn off the overhead of the graphical interface and use that memory and CPU for your service.
The columns to observe are "us," "sy," and "id," which denotes CPU utilization time in user space, system space, and system idle time in percentage.
Your system is merely running too many applications at the same time, or running a small number of very CPU-intensive operations.
If you loose 5% of a processor power every time you add a CPU to your system, then your "scalability factor" is 0.95.
The reservations guarantee access to time-multiplexed system resources (CPU, network, or disk bandwidth).
This paper presents a scheme of Embedded real time System based on double CPU for power quality monitoring with the concerns of real time and complex algorithms application.
The design of a real time emulation system based on hardware and its implementation is described, which is for the emulation and testing of ASICs with embedded CPU.
This value is measured in real time, not CPU time, so a query that is under the threshold on a lightly loaded system might be above the threshold on a heavily loaded one.
In a single processor computer the CPU can execute one task at a time, but the Operating System manages which task should access the CPU.
With advantages of low cost, low power consumption, high-speed and good real-time character etc., TMS320F2812 CMOS chip is selected as the CPU of this system.
由于TMS320F 2812芯片具有低成本、低功耗、高速度,实时性好等优点,所以选择该芯片作为整个系统的核心cpu。
Although digital television set-top box has complete real-time operating system and CPU to coordinate and control hardware facilities in it, provides simple graphical user interface.
However, in common embedded system, the real-time clock interrupt will wake up the CPU rapidly and periodically even there is no other devices' interrupt. That will increase system power consumption.
However, in common embedded system, the real-time clock interrupt will wake up the CPU rapidly and periodically even there is no other devices' interrupt. That will increase system power consumption.