With wired setups, the fear is that a burglar might be able to shut your system down simply by cutting the right cable.
Outage or system down information.
We should have cut the banking system down.
System Down: Times when computer becomes inoperative.
Overhead such as system down time, meetings, and answering e-mail
The human protein, on the other hand, calms the immune system down.
You’ll probably notice that MSE doesn’t slow your system down very much anyway.
你可能注意到MSE 不怎么拖系统。
Nothing will slow your system down like a virus, a Trojan horse, or other types of malware.
With the cooling system down, the water that surrounds the nuclear fuel rods began to burn off.
Production cost saving due to reduced system down-time using the new techniques are indicated.
Without scripts to build images, image bloat occurs and that eats up more space and slows the system down.
This once required users to bring the system down, but it can now be done while the network is running.
Indeed, so long as you are quite senior you can bring the entire banking system down and still get a big bonus.
So by bringing down the power, we can bring down the battery size, and we can bring down the whole system down in size.
However, if you are very emotional and breathing too fast, use a paper lunch bag to breathe into to slow your system down.
For instance, an I/O upgrade in a rack-mount server requires a card swap which takes more time and effort and also requires system down-time.
You're at the mercy of the schedule, of drivers, of other people slowing the system down, of trains breaking down and backing the system up, and so on.
Review Ideas as Soon as Realistically Feasible – Once you have an effifient system down for storing your ideas, you have to create a regular habit of reviewing them.
想法现实可行的话尽快对其检查回顾 --一旦设立有效存储你的想法的系统之后,你要养成经常检查回顾你这些想法的习惯。
If MOMs are used to connect them together, you can take any system down at any point, and messages will keep flowing around that system but queue up until it comes back.
Finally, Krugman ignores an important factor I emphasize — the incentives of bankers and their willingness to seek out and take the wild risks that brought the system down.
最后,克鲁格曼忽视了我强调的一个因素- - -银行家的激励和他们愿意寻求和承担把系统带回正道的风险。
Either posing the camera to information icon for too long or moving the camera too fast without finishing the previous voice playing, it may easily cause the system down.
In addition to new features for managing database time, DB2 9.7 also helps administrators minimize downtime by making it possible to move database schemas without taking the system down.
除了管理数据库时间的新特性之外,DB2 9.7还支持在不停止运行系统的情况下转移数据库模式,这可以帮助管理员减少停机时间。
By way of comparison, the Bank of England estimates that $2.8 trillion has been lost in credit-related instruments, the devices that dragged the financial system down in the first place.
The system was down all morning.
The system is going down in ten minutes.
Hence, the transmission-reception system breaks down.
In areas where the wind dies down, backup electricity from a utility company or from an energy storage system becomes necessary.
The telephone system has broken down.
The telephone system has broken down.