If the error was in the JCL, contact your administrator or systems programmer to get the correct information.
You're a "systems programmer" — you write code to keep servers healthy and to supply your application developer colleagues with the low-level functionality they need.
Any programmer dealing with geographical data in any form or fashion is likely to encounter the base libraries in the same way any Linux systems programmer would encounter glibc.
Milo is our security systems specialist, Jamey is our head programmer. You'll be working with them for the duration of this assignment.
This really shouldn't happen much in production systems, but it's not uncommon in testing for a script to move or for a programmer to enter an incorrect URL.
实际上这在大部分产品系统中都不应该出现,但是在测试脚本位置发生变化或程序员输入了错误的 URL 时,这种情况并不罕见。
Compare this with non-DBMS systems in which the programmer must know the physical structure of the data.
Every programmer, systems administrator, database analyst, and so on knows what to do when they face a problem with business process or some inefficiency utilizing systems resources.
For example, a programmer developing an employee portal wants to have adaptors and connectors for LDAP integration, personalization capabilities, and groupware systems.
Generally, a computer system is comprised of different "sub" systems so a programmer needs to have some design or top-down thinking skills to see the program from the larger picture.
In modern systems, the chances that inline assembly is a good use of programmer time for optimization are virtually nil.
After a month or so of full-time use, the programmer could understand more of its internal working than is possible with conventions operating systems and compilers.
Thus, the programmer doesn't need to know any systems programming.
You don't have to be a programmer to deploy it, and it lets you connect systems and get real-time data from other systems, applications, and databases.
Today you have the Scala Parallel Collections that enable a programmer use existing Scala code and with minor changes gain the performance given by multi-core systems.
So I am not a programmer, I'm a systems admin.
Or a systems library programmer might handle that signal SIGSEGV and may undo the operations caused by the library code for creating segmentation Fault.
Or a systems library programmer might handle that signal SIGSEGV and may undo the operations caused by the library code for creating segmentation Fault.