This did take a very long time.
It really did take a very long time.
The trouble is that this can take a very long time.
The rest may follow, but that it will take a very long time to be proven.
This will definitely take a very long time, and moreover it is very tedious.
This can take a very long time, depending upon your network link to your repository.
Diagnosis of narcolepsy can take a very long time, sometimes more than one year, or even up to several decades.
The private key should not be derivable from the public key (or at least it should take a very long time to do so).
It would take a very long time to plop individual buildings on a large landmass but I guess it wont be large anymore.
Knowing these topics makes it clearer why certain programs and algorithms will take a very long time to run, and how to spot them.
If you find that small cuts, scrapes, or burns take a very long time to heal or if you experience unexplained bruising from light pressure, see a doctor.
Stretch marks can take a very long time to fade, and when they do, the healing use to be inadequate, producing scars that can be very hard to dissimulate.
But it can take a long time for the right mutation to occur, especially if there is a very small target, like the region of DNA that controls a gene.
Like a strong brand, values and reputation take a long time to build but a very short time to damage.
Shark Numbers can become depleted very quickly because they take a long time to mature - 16 years in the case of a scalloped hammerhead.
I take life one step at a time and I can keep this speed up for a very long time.
You feel things very deeply and take a long time to forgive betrayal.
Therefore, the fight against terrorism is very tough, complex and will take a long time.
因此,反恐斗争具有长期性、艰巨性和复杂性。 打击?
The next major school of thought is that of the perennialists who argue that nations have been around for a very long time, though they take different shapes at different points in history.
Also WS-Security Policy is very complex, so it would take a long time to validate ever assertion manually, and manual validation is error prone.
而且,WS - SecurityPolicy非常复杂,因此手动验证每个断言非常耗时,而且手动验证很容易出错。
If you have very large caches, it may take the post install a long time to apply the necessary permissions to every file in the cache.
For a new site, which is not many, think the inclusion of these large directory will be very a long process which may take a long time.
It's even harder with very young children who take a long time to put their thoughts into words.
Blankets are also a common project, but are very big and take a long time to finish.
English has a very difficult spelling system, and it can take a long time to spell out one word.
I bumped up against this very, very arrogant, old fashioned, stupid law, which had to be changed, but it was going to take a long time to change it.
Today and tomorrow of, have a very long time; Take advantage o you to return invigorative of time, study to handle affairs quickly.
Today and tomorrow of, have a very long time; Take advantage o you to return invigorative of time, study to handle affairs quickly.