Take, for example, two well-publicised issues: the tussle over China's exchange rate policy and the Sino - Japanese row over disputed islands in the East China Sea.
Take, for example, Dongguan, in southern China.
A:There are many wanys to improve your English that don't cost much money. Take the China Daily for example, it's a great source of learning material.
And if China wanted to take gold to 25% of is reserves around the level held by the ECB, for example it would need to buy another 440 million ounces at today's prices.
There are many ways to improve your English that don't cost much money. Take the China Daily for example, it's a great source of learning material.
Take Lianshang county guangdong province for example, one of the poorest places in China.
In this paper, from solvency supervise Angle, take China Life Insurance Company for example, applying gray neural network theory, establish an solvency risk early warning system.
Take China Life Insurance Company data for example, use grey relational analysis to analyze the 12 factors, according to relational sequence find out 7 indicators for risk early warning system design.
Take, for example, An Yujie, a Communication University of China art major.
Take the Darfur issue that you raised just now, for example. China has always advocated that we need to adopt a dual-track approach to seek a solution to the Darfur issue.
"Take Darfur, for example," Mr. Tao said. "The first thing many Chinese media want to say is that China has nothing to do with Darfur."
It is for China and the US to set the example to take action and begin to make improvements. The most important tactic is to always have people raising issues.
It is for China and the US to set the example to take action and begin to make improvements. The most important tactic is to always have people raising issues.