Hydraulic gap control system is the key part of accuracy for stripe gauge control of tandem cold rolling mill.
The choice of mill type is one of the most important considerations as a new tandem cold rolling mill is to be built.
Hydraulic AGC system is one of the key equipment for strip geometrical size control of modern tandem cold rolling mill.
液压a GC是现代宽带钢冷连轧机组几何尺寸精度控制的关键装备之一。
To improve the precision and efficiency of rolling force prediction on tandem cold rolling mill, a neural network model combined with ant colony algorithm is presented.
FGC control is one of the core technology of the continuous tandem cold rolling mill, and it is a complex process with the trait of multi-variable coupling and non-linear time-changing.
Hydraulic gap control system is the key part of accuracy for stripe gauge control of tandem cold rolling mill. Hydraulic screw down system is the most important part of hydraulic roll gap control.
A rolling load distribution optimization algorithm of tandem cold mill was designed using particle swarm optimization algorithm.
Automatic velocity control system for the continuous tandem cold mill let the rolling mill work continuously by using the looper to keep the uncoiling operation separating from the rolling process.
On the basis of analyzing factors to influence the rolling model of tandem cold strip mill and combining rolling theory with experiment, a new rolling force model was developed.
The rolling strategy is the base for presetting the process control parameters of cold tandem mill.
Some defects of the traditional rolling force models of cold tandem rolling mill were found out, and new rolling force models based on genetic neural networks were set up.
The traditional rolling force model of 4-stand tandem cold strip mill at Anshan Iron and Steel Corporation was analyzed, and some defects were found out.
Asynchronous one-stand-tandem mill (ACSTV) is a new type rolling mill, which allows to accomplish several rolling passes on one stand and can produce thin cold strip.
To meet demands for high product quality, a comprehensive automation concept has been developed for the new linked pickle and tandem mill cold rolling line at Bethlehem Steel.
To meet demands for high product quality, a comprehensive automation concept has been developed for the new linked pickle and tandem mill cold rolling line at Bethlehem Steel.