Targeted, noninvasive therapy is the Holy Grail of experimental medicine.
Biodegradable macromolecule carried controlled drug releasing and biodegradable macromolecule carried targeted drug delivery are the focus of recent investigation in macromolecular medicine.
As often happens in science and medicine, the landmark discovery grew not out of "targeted research" but from studies aimed at answering more fundamental questions about nature.
Although encouraging graduates to the grassroots, but still lacks the talent of Chinese medicine targeted policy.
Our clinical and scientific judgment only reasonable decision and the correct use, the use of bold, be targeted, medicine to the sick, sick detoxification to the end.
Personalized Medicine 2010 - Assessing the Opportunities and Challenges in Commercializing Companion Diagnostics and Targeted Therapies …
个性化 医疗(2010年):评估商业化搭配诊断与标的疗法的机会与挑战。
Personalized Medicine 2010 - Assessing the Opportunities and Challenges in Commercializing Companion Diagnostics and Targeted Therapies …
个性化 医疗(2010年):评估商业化搭配诊断与标的疗法的机会与挑战。