In early period, there were no half-measures: usage was either right or wrong, and it was the task of the grammarian not simply to record alternatives, but to pronounce judgement upon them.
The task of writing a dictionary begins with the reading of vast amounts of the literature of the period or subject that the dictionary is to cover.
For all practical purposes, the priority of this task has been lowered during the delay period.
This creates more conflicts and task-switching, as illustrated in Figure 8 by the dotted line and the wider yellow stripe indicating a longer period of resource conflict.
After a certain period of time, if no potential owner has claimed the task, the escalation fires and informs the potential owners by E-mail that that work awaits them.
When a user claims a task, the intention is to complete it within a reasonable period of time.
In that case, the task will skip execution of this period and reschedule to the next period.
Literacy education will continue to be a period of time in the future Chinese education is quite onerous task.
All this would be difficult and complex enough - but added to that challenge is the task of governing China itself through a period of immense social, economic and environmental change.
So to speak, the study of task-based learning and teaching has reached a mature period.
The task of this research is to design and implement a video decoding platform based on MPEG-4 in order to enhance developing quality and shorten the developing period for the programmer.
Thus, it is a challenging task to study the new words of this period.
The aim and task, teaching period division, teaching hours distribution, checking contents and methods of calisthenics course were expounded.
Where the employing unit and the laborer have reached a consensus after consultation, they may conclude a labor contract where the term of service equals to the period of completion of a certain task.
The fixed priority scheduling performance evaluation method is proposed, where the quantitative analyses of task execution time, priority, period and deadline are considered.
Based on the track and barrier-void task of a welding robot in the period of machining, we present a program for non-collision track of robot movement.
An important task of the personnel work is to augment the well trained people in the next period.
Since the real time task sets in control system consist of hard real time periodic tasks and soft real time period tasks, the dual priority algorithm is adopted for scheduling these tasks.
This summary task information summarizes the period between the earliest start date and latest finish date of all the included subtasks.
For all practical purposes the priority of this task has been lowered during the delay period.
To face the heavy task of teaching in the very short period of time, it is important to improve efficiency by using collective lesson preparing.
The main task of the ICM in this period was to establish different kinds of co-operatives, agencies in large zones and general affairs offices.
The key factors is the critical staff, critical equipment, critical period, critical task, critical area, which play an important impact on the safety of rail transportation.
Increase task duration, so the work is done over a longer period of time.
How to design a set of software in the new period to effectively deal with the insurance agency business is a challenged task.
How to design a set of software in the new period to effectively deal with the insurance agency business is a challenged task.