As for the real estate tax incidence, there are three theoretical viewpoints.
This paper analyses the tax incidence and the influence of the labor supply elasticity on it.
In partial equilibrium competitive models, tax incidence depends on the elasticities of supply and demand.
The declining naionwide tax incidence is closely related to the emphasis on efficiency, so economic growth a…
In recent years, the tax income has increased rapidly than the pace of the economy growth, therefore the tax incidence has been caused with an extensive concern and dispute.
A recent World Bank study showed that cutting tax rates and simplifying tax systems can greatly reduce the incidence of tax evasion. Doing so would make tax havens less attractive.
Economic incidence is determined by the price changes induced by a tax, and depends on both individuals' sources and USES of income.
Inheritance tax could also be thought of as direct tax on the deceased, although its incidence falls on the heirs of the estate.
Statutory incidence is the legal liability for a tax, while economic incidence is the actual burden of the tax.
Nonetheless, we consider two types of tax rules that might influence the incidence of widely held firms.
Also, the incidence of a tax or subsidy is usually split between producers and consumers.
Statutory incidence is the legal liability for a tax, while economic incidence is the actual burden of the tax... Knowing the legal incidence usually tells us little about economic incidence.
This thesis analyses the theory of tax transfer and incidence of Excise tax, compares the Excise tax of different countries and puts forward some methods to improve the Excise tax system of China.
The fall in the incidence of smoking is probably not surprising given the huge price and tax hike of October 1 last year, which separated the 2010 and 2011 surveys.
The fall in the incidence of smoking is probably not surprising given the huge price and tax hike of October 1 last year, which separated the 2010 and 2011 surveys.