The early and middle Yanshanian tectonic movements permitted the fluvial, seasonal lake and intermittent lake facies to be developed.
The above shows that granulite facies metamorphism occurred in the crust of (increasing) thickness and caused by strong tectonic disturbance and regional high heat flow.
Such a tectonic framework, in a great extent, controls the distribution of both the facies and thickness of coal-bearing sequences.
Garnet pyroxenite occurs as lenses in granulite-facies metamorphic granitic gneiss and pelitic schist in the Namjagbarwa Group-complex of the eastern Himalayan tectonic syntaxis.
General distribution of sedimentary facies by the regional tectonic control of the ancient topography and other factors.
Sedimentological methods have been applied to study the sedimentary facies and characteristics of the flourish stage of the development of the salt lake in this tectonic basin.
Complex granulite facies xenolith types and distinct formation conditions indicate that the lower crust beneath Nushan was constructed by multi-periodic magmatism in different tectonic Settings.
Complex granulite facies xenolith types and distinct formation conditions indicate that the lower crust beneath Nushan was constructed by multi-periodic magmatism in different tectonic Settings.