The Chinese prefer face-to-face meetings rather than written or telephonic communication.
Referring to our telephonic message of today, please deliver the above ten cases tomorrow.
First will be a telephonic interview if you pass the telephonic interview then you will be called for face to face interview in Hangzhou.
For telephonic requests, the Client will be informed that the cancellation will only be processed on receipt of the written request to cancel.
The man could barely put the phone down after telephonic board meetings ended at Goldman before speed-dialing Rajaratnam to (allegedly) give him the news.
All of this telephonic lore is recipe knowledge since it does not concern anything except what I have to know for my present and possible future pragmatic purposes.
This telephonic coaching service provided to Intel SH, Xi'an and remote office's employees. The employee will receive coaching service via the phone call in the appointed time slot.
This telephonic coaching service provided to Intel SH, Xi'an and remote office's employees. The employee will receive coaching service via the phone call in the appointed time slot.