The Neanderthals lived alongside human ancestors in Europe for tens of thousands of years, before dying out about 40,000 years ago.
Planetary nebulae fade away gradually over tens of thousands of years.
The mammoth hunting culture appears to have thrived for tens of thousands of years.
Now, a few tens of thousands of years ago, wolves and people started becoming friendly species.
Of course, we're talking geological time here, which is measured in tens of thousands of years.
If she is right, it would push back the date of the creative explosion by tens of thousands of years.
Our species has learned this pattern of relationship building over the past tens of thousands of years.
Global sea levels can change by more than 100 metres in only tens of thousands of years as land ice accumulates or melts.
That is, the ultimate defeat of a disease that has been the single biggest killer of people for tens of thousands of years.
In fact, it is a human construction, formed by tens of thousands of years' worth of alterations such as burning and agriculture.
Reading University researchers claim "I", "we", "two" and "three" are among the most ancient, dating back tens of thousands of years.
The ice, much of it tens of thousands of years old, originates in the 660, 000-square-mile ice sheet covering 80 percent of Greenland.
It put the resources of rolled to hundreds of years, several thousand years, tens of thousands of years, hundreds of millions of years.
Bursts of intense global warming that lasted tens of thousands of years occurred about every 400,000 years, roughly 40 million years ago.
Music has been with us as long as we can collectively remember. Musical instruments have been found dating back tens of thousands of years.
Grandin argues that, over tens of thousands of years, humans and dogs actually evolved in particular ways because of their close relationship.
Did humans flood out of Africa in a single diaspora, or did we trickle from the continent in waves spread out over tens of thousands of years?
Musical instruments have been found dating back tens of thousands of years. Yet no one knows why we love music, or what function, if any, it serves.
This region was one of the earliest settled areas of the continent, receiving settlers from Indonesian islands some tens of thousands of years ago.
The sequence comes from DNA in hair snipped from two woolly mammoths whose bodies have been preserved in Siberian permafrost for tens of thousands of years.
Ensuring that such a leak never occurs could require monitoring the injection site for a very long period of time - from hundreds to tens of thousands of years.
Theapology will carry much broader symbolic meaning for a people whose forebearsoccupied Australiafor tens of thousands of years before the British claimed it in 1788.
Australian climatologist will Steffens argued that climate change caused by human activity will fundamentally alter the air, land and oceans for tens of thousands of years.
It takes tens of thousands of years for the crust to generate enough eruptible magma, but once formed, these unstable magma bodies only last for centuries to a few millennia.
Tens of thousands of years ago, the Austronesians migrated their way through Papua New Guinea to colonise the Pacific. They probably started off in little bamboo craft, like this.
Tens of thousands of years ago, the Austronesians migrated their way through Papua New Guinea to colonise the Pacific. They probably started off in little bamboo craft, like this.