None of us had the knowledge with which to test its practical usefulness, but in our capacity for believing and hoping we were inferior to none.
As you'll see in the policy test examples supplied later in this article, policy inclusion is not universally supported at present. This limits the usefulness of this otherwise nice feature.
Some of the servers have large memory configurations which will give us the ability to test the usefulness of more memory.
The next step, he says, is to apply the test on a larger scale and in the community to validate its usefulness as a screening tool.
You may still pass the test though, because there's one filter left: the filter of USEFULNESS.
Two test data from UCI machine learning repository are employed to evaluate the usefulness of WSVDD, as well as logo classification task.
A team at the Chemnitz University of Technology in Germany, led by Matthias Rosenberger, has transformed the usefulness of the test by feeding its results into high-capacity computers.
Two test data from UCI machine learning repository are employed to evaluate the usefulness of WSVD…
The motivation of this thesis is to determine urinary nucleosides and construct the data processing model, then to test the usefulness of urinary nucleosides as tu.
The test developers 'main task is to find an optimal balance among them so as to guarantee the usefulness of language tests.
The test developers 'main task is to find an optimal balance among them so as to guarantee the usefulness of language tests.