It also slows down more as you move faster, which means astronauts some day may survive so long in space that they would return to an earth of the distant future.
The technology, Strano said, could one day be used to light the rooms or even to turn trees into self-powered street lamps. In the future, the team hopes to develop a version of the technology that can be sprayed onto plant leaves in a one-off treatment that would last the plant's lifetime.
That includes many individuals with esoteric skills that are of little use in everyday life - like being able to instantly reckon the day of the week for any past or future date.
Having reconciled with the fact that the past has no power and today is the only day I have, I am strong, powerful enough to create the future and delight in its coming and tackle challenges.
The one-day Rome meeting was held to address procedural issues, and to set an agenda for future talks that will be held in Washington and Moscow in the next two months.
For example, it can show that if particular grocery store customers purchase baby formula and diapers one day, they are highly likely to purchase stewed fruit (baby food) at some point in the future.
In a written statement Tuesday, Mr. Obama said every day that the fighting persists brings more suffering and further delays the future of peace and prosperity that the people of Ivory Coast deserve.
But to this very day I am also tormented by the fear that in my hour of need in the future, I may not obtain what will save my life or the life of my child.
A survey conducted in 2007 found that while 70% thought families in general were less successful than in their parents' day, 76% of respondents were optimistic about the future of their own family.
It is with the strength of these emotions, as well as the concrete, glass and steel that is brought in day by day, that we will build on the footprints of the past the foundation of the future.
This unique category is comprised of two subcategories: items that you need to review with some regularity and those that need to surface only on a specific day in the future.
Maybe one day someone living in the future will find the information on the invitation and use a wormhole time machine to come back to my party, proving that time travel will, one day, be possible.
Wild card: You'll finally get to see some of the post-judgment day future that was only hinted at in the previous movies.
In general, the exhibits that are close to commercial release are the most popular, because they provide a glimpse into what day-to-day life may look like in the near future.
We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far as in the future, when we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable.
Companies that develop and sell products typically announce that a new product will be available to order on some date in the future, we'll call it the Day of Announcement (DOA).
研发和销售产品的公司通常会公告某个新产品将在未来的某个日期允许订购,我们将该日期称为DayofAn nouncement (DOA)。
In 2009, Bahrami told CNN that she had undergone more than a dozen surgeries on her badly scarred face, but still imagined that in the future she would have a wedding day.
We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but.
We're losing our looks: it's a wake-up call to the fact that we won't go on forever, that one day in the no longer impossibly distant future, we're going to die.
I hope that one day in the near future I will visit Aids patients in Henan and Yunnan.
How much I wish I can do that every day in the future!
It must be on the same day in that sweet things, this is a symbol of the future will be more sweet.
Write down five positive things that happen to you each day, and five things you are looking forward to in the future.
As the saying goes: spring season that year, the quarter day is morning. We should cherish this wonderful time, learn in the future to contribute to the motherland.
Think about the future is mixed with a casual work and then had the day mundane living a well-off society in general people's life, this life is that you want?
Think about the future is mixed with a casual work and then had the day mundane living a well-off society in general people's life, this life is that you want?