Norman: That makes perfect sense.
That makes perfect sense, John Henry. Thank you for explaining.
That makes perfect sense – if your environment is full of stress and danger, you probably should do that.
And so that's why you have this line integral that makes perfect sense, but you can't apply Green's theorem to it.
In all honesty that makes perfect sense to this writer, and it seems like most games should have been this way, rather than the typical archer one-shotting anyone in range type.
All this makes perfect sense to me, although I must confess that I never met a beer I didn't like.
However, it makes perfect rational sense to argue that the planet could be healed if we all lived more modestly.
Home to the second busiest port in France, it makes perfect sense for the city to reuse the hundreds of shipping containers that are retired every year.
This means that there can be many of them, which makes perfect sense because a typical purchase order may contain many different items.
If you think about the mechanics of making a remote method call, it makes perfect sense to define the direction that the parameters will be moving in — client-to-server, server-to-client, or both.
"It makes perfect sense that George Bush and John McCain will be together next week in the Twin Cities for the Republican convention because these days they are awfully hard to tell apart," she said.
Given that the key to wealth is to spend less than you earn, this makes perfect sense.
It makes perfect sense for companies to do the reverse: scour the world for markets that will pay high prices for their shares, thus reducing the cost of their capital.
Given that many applications already use JMS, and given that the services within an SOA need a way to do messaging, it makes perfect sense to use JMS in the context of an ESB.
充分考虑到很多应用程序已经在使用JMS了,而soa内的服务又需要一种进行消息传递的方式,这样就能很好地理解jms在es b上下文中所扮演的角色。
Therefore, it makes perfect sense to place the most important message of the website right there and thus make sure that readers get the message as quickly as possible.
So, it makes perfect sense, given Millward Brown's criteria for assessing brand value, that Apple would sit atop the rankings.
If you want to run a marathon and your city holds one in four months, that deadline makes perfect sense.
For example, if your most trusted systems run on a dedicated and segregated network, it makes perfect sense to use Telnet for remote access within that very network zone (or working from the console).
While I always recommend that people keep copies of their most precious photographs on a drive at home — perhaps even in a safe — it now makes perfect sense to also put all of our photos online.
Why? Because fish are actually 'social' creatures. In the sea they swim in shoals, so it makes perfect sense that they would need companions.
That sounds trivial or deflective, until we understand that it makes perfect sense for someone who is just talking.
It makes perfect sense to me that a college student would want to study less, get better grades and have more fun.
Therefore, it makes perfect sense that this is when you need to have the balls to be yourself & to arrive at your own ideas & conclusions…
This makes perfect sense since the currency is almost entirely online, in virtual wallets. It's part of the global Internet that most of the world can access.
It makes perfect sense that someone with such a notion of Prajna would think that precepts are unimportant.
Says who When choosing a career, it makes perfect sense to choose one that is related to what you enjoy doing in your spare time, if you so desire.
Says who When choosing a career, it makes perfect sense to choose one that is related to what you enjoy doing in your spare time, if you so desire.