He says, "The thing that I like the most about my job is that people feel comfortable and stylish with my cuts and that makes me feel happy."
Behind the scenes they ensure that people feel comfortable and perform optimally in their work.
So now, more than ever, it's important that people feel comfortable to come forward and take an HIV test and know their rights will be protected.
It shows that you're friendly and makes people around you feel more comfortable.
It may well be the case that the people raising the concerns have a personal or motivational problem with the improvement but don't feel comfortable voicing it.
Having done that, I feel comfortable saying that people rely on tools too much.
And don't post any photos of your children on any Web site unless you can be sure that all the people who can see it are people you feel comfortable with.
Remember also that some people who are comfortable lying may not feel stressed, whilst others may be prone to anxiety for all kinds of reasons.
This made them feel comfortable disclosing information that people normally wouldn't post on the Internet.
I attributed the huge spike to a couple of things. A nice new big release that people liked (duh), and another that took me a little longer to figure out... people feel more comfortable with a 2.0.
As prices go up, the news seems better, people start to feel more comfortable and we equate that feeling of comfort with less risk.
Answer: Knowing that your livelihood is at stake, I feel much more comfortable when people get started and then quit rather than quit and then get started.
Speak in the way that you feel the most comfortable with. The most important thing is correct pronunciation and that people understand you when you speak.
And we understand that until the conventional wisdom catches with Vuuch, many people need to use transitional terminology to feel comfortable.
A lot of people, however, don't feel comfortable with the idea that Google can track their every move on the Internet.
The confidence that helps you feel comfortable talking to people also spills into your own personal beliefs about yourself.
There is simply no avoiding the fact that "people feel more comfortable telling her what's wrong with me than telling my mother, " he says.
We tend to gravitate toward people who are the most like us, at least in the ways that make us feel comfortable.
Old people who is fat seem to like to wear that way because they feel more comfortable when they pull the waist of the pants up to the tummy.
Create safety nets, such as the Undo and Revert to Saved commands, so that people will feel comfortable learning and using your product.
Journalists have to get information from people who are otherwise not sharing it, so you have to know how to make people feel comfortable and trusting enough to tell that information to you.
To truly connect and empower people through technology they found that simply giving people computers was not enough. They also had to make people feel comfortable using their new computers as well.
We just need somebody out there who people feel comfortable talking to, and I think that Obama can put America back in the good graces of the rest of the world.
In the idea of this programme, the experience of the people on the basis of dynamic open space, so that customers shopping at the same time, to experience more comfortable and pleasant, stylish feel.
I recommend that people write only the parts they feel comfortable with.
As one of secretary's jobs, it is very important that you receive people properly, make them feel comfortable and deal with them professionally.
As one of secretary's jobs, it is very important that you receive people properly, make them feel comfortable and deal with them professionally.