You can see that only by tracing a particular family line, possibly back to the 14th century or beyond, will you discover which version of a surname is yours.
I tried to explain to him what it was and that it had been to the moon, but his life is so different from mine or yours that he had no context in which he could understand what I was saying.
Thus you can see that only by tracing a particular family line, possibly back to the 14th century or beyond, will you discover which version of a surname is yours.
When you click Mylyn's automated context test Suite, which runs unit tests structurally relevant to the context you've created, you discover that the bug is in a colleague's code and not yours.
Accept that which is already yours.
That which you have lost is already yours.
The fact that yours is a small company means you are unlikely to have sent your people on tedious, costly, diversity awareness courses, which are a legal insurance policy against this sort of thing.
Rom. 1:12 that is, that I with you may be encouraged among you through the faith which is in one another, both yours and mine.
Which of the books that are borrowed from the library is yours?
Shanghai has been a window to the West; it is the city in which my country and yours issued the communique that began our modern friendship.
上海历来 是你们通向西方之 窗,也是我们两国发表公报、始建新友谊的地方。
Shanghai has been a window to the West; it is the city in which my country and yours issued the communique that began our modern friendship.
上海历来 是你们通向西方之 窗,也是我们两国发表公报、始建新友谊的地方。