That would be better, neither can suffer, and better performance!
Of course if those negotiations can be finalized in the early stage that would be better.
MARK WARMUTH: "they're seeking something that would be better than what they can buy at Starbucks."
If you have a very simple project, writing unit tests for it may take time that would be better spent in just writing the project itself.
In some ways, that would be better, because she shared an office at the Film School with only one other colleague, an older, divorced woman whom she’d taken into her confidence.
Cancer cells are destroyed but so too are cells that would be better kept alive, such as hair follicles and the cells that line the gut, the loss of which makes cancer patients bald and nauseous.
Programmers and administrators are notorious for allowing themselves to be coerced into rushing work that would be better left for normal business hours and the relative calm of your own workplace.
Three in every five interviewed felt that the budget was neutral and they would be no better off.
One assumes, a priori, that a parent would be better at dealing with problems.
This meant that the better you dressed at school, the higher your marks would be.
It would be better for you to chew a few cough drops to get rid of that cold you have.
I hoped to fly, but was told that it would be much better if I took the train.
I kept thinking that the world would be a better place if we could all learn to trust others more, like the young blind street seller.
The extinction of the fish has called public attention as people expressed sadness over the death, hoping such animals would be better protected so that future generations could see them.
I keep thinking that if I were an inventor, or better still, a very rich inventor, it would be fantastic!
If you think about what your life might be like if you weren't afraid of that thing, whatever it is, you know that things would be better.
This can be an advantage to private banks once clients are on the books; inertia may keep them there, if only because clients can rarely be sure that they would be better off elsewhere.
Earlier this year he said the only good thing about 2011 for Spain was that it would be better than 2012.
They argue that it would be better to do nothing now, wait for an old-fashioned fiscal crisis to force the issue, and then start again.
Above all, she voices no doubt that Germany would be better off if more women were like her.
There she chatted, on speaker-phone, to her faraway mother, who said, of course, that it would be better if her daughter and grandchild stayed safe in the south.
Hilary Steedman, an expert on training at the London School of Economics, argues that it would be better simply to leave all training to be done by employers themselves.
Hilary Steedman, an expert on training at the London School of Economics, argues that it would be better simply to leave all training to be done by employers themselves.