Only by establishing the good brand, the academic library will be full of vitality and competition ability.
The academic library died alone, largely neglected and forgotten by a world that once revered it as the heart of the university.
This article primarily discusses the influences and principle strategy about information resources construction in the academic library, in network ages.
The academic library is an important place to train college students' comprehensive qualities. It possesses unique advantage in quality-oriented education.
There is evidence that having a presence in Facebook, Twitter and YouTube can increase the possibility for connection between the academic library and its community members.
There are the remarkable changes in the information resources construction and objective environment in the academic library along with information technology developments.
The article mainly discussed the three administrative levels of information function on "XinHua Digest" and its function to document information consult in the academic library.
Although it is important to provide adequate funding for academic services such as the school library, I believe it is important to fund sports activities equally.
The social and educational significance of the readers' books cannot be overestimated in an academic library.
The interface was designed by librarians with academic clientele in mind, but it reflects library sensibilities.
All of this is facilitated much more easily by the Internet, library and academic search engines than it is by a huge shelf of books.
"The library is the backbone of a college or university's academic environment," says Kelly Alice Robinson, career information services manager at the career Center library at Boston college.
Utilize the Internet, the academic databases, and the library.
The Harvard University library comprises over 80 individual libraries and over 15m volumes, making it the largest academic library in the United States.
This article tries to describe and criticize the reconstructural process to the basic theory of Chinese library science through the developments of both social undergrounds and academic reasons.
The panel at the American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter Meeting, sponsored by the Library and Information Technology Association (LITA), consisted of five academic librarians.
美国图书馆协会(ALA)仲冬会议的这个小组得到了图书馆和信息技术协会(Library and Information TechnologyAssociationLITA)的资助,今年的5个专业图书馆员包括。
In the academic research activity, the university library has its own superiority and characteristics, but it also faces some difficulties and inferiority.
The academic research work of university library is an important constituent of university teaching and research.
Both advantages and problems in development of academic research of university library are discussed in the paper.
Academic library and the culture of campus are closely linked together.
Library specialized network academic forums are set up along with the establishment of library specialized academic Web sites.
This article introduced the survey of this library as well as its some special services and demonstrated the academic status and the value of this library in National University of Singapore.
This paper analyses the characteristic of online academic forum and discourses upon the sense that online academic forum brings to library from four aspects.
Situated at the intersection of two major pedestrian pathways and adjacent to a future quadrangle, the library will anchor a new academic and social core planned for the campus.
图书馆位于两条主要人行道的交叉口,紧邻一片方形空地, 形成了校园内新的学术交流中心。
In digital age, notable changes have taken place in the content of information resources construction and transformation have taken place in the literature resources construction of academic library.
This paper introduces the main concepts of Academic and Research Library Campaign in America, and expounds the exhibition points and exhibition strategies of Academic and Research Library Campaign.
Analyses the main reasons why academic status of library science is low at present and makes some preliminary Suggestions on how to raise academic status of library science.
For the adjustment object of library law, the academic circles exists different understanding.
This paper analyzes the new changes of academic library users in the digital learning environment, and discusses some countermeasures which should be adopted by academic libraries in this environment.
This paper analyzes the new changes of academic library users in the digital learning environment, and discusses some countermeasures which should be adopted by academic libraries in this environment.