The accounting year of a joint venture shall coincide with the calendar year, i. e. from January 1 to December 31 on the Gregorian calendar.
The end of the year prior to the submission of such an application refers to the end of the accounting year prior to the date of application.
We have seen that what is charged in the accounting year in question is not the amount paid in the year but the amount that relates to the year.
For example, accounting applications have some tax-related tasks that are performed at the end of the month and other tax-related tasks that are performed only at the end of the year.
Article 58 the accounting fiscal year of a commercial bank begins on January 1 and ends on December 31 of the Gregorian calendar.
Some 3.12 million hectares were afforested through key afforestation projects, accounting for 65.4 percent of the total planted area of the year.
The safest of all degrees to be acquiring this year is in accounting: forty-six per cent of graduates in that discipline have already been offered jobs.
China continues to be the single biggest driver of global growth, accounting for 27% of the growth this year. India's contribution is about 9%.
Renewable energy is also increasing, accounting for 12% of the CDM market with wind energy accounting for half of this, tripling from 2% last year.
In the first quarter oil firms drilled the same number of Wells to delineate past discoveries as they had a year before, according to Deloitte, an accounting firm.
Deloitte resigned as Longtop's auditor earlier this year after discovering alleged accounting improprieties at the company.
In addition, changes to accounting rules at the beginning of next year will require Banks to move a large volume of securitized assets back onto their balance sheets.
Within months, the site's traffic surged by more than 80 percent, with 18 - to 24-year-olds accounting for less than a third of that growth.
Retaliation claims rose again last year, accounting for 36 percent of the total.
Besides, the second winner was Hua Kang, a second-year accounting major in Shenzhen University.
另外本次考试的第二名也花落深大, 是深圳大学大二会计系的华康同学.
Tax official : at first , the concept of the full year means that anybody have resided in china for full 365 days , not accounting temporary absence .
Last year energy efficiency was nearly missing from the market data and now it has emerged accounting for nearly 14% of total CDM volumes.
Get the Financial Accounting Standards Board to make public companies disclose one number that's currently not required — the amount of federal income tax they pay for a given year.
只要能让财务会计准则委员会(Financial Accounting Standards Board)督促所有上市公司公布一项数据,这个问题就会迎刃而解——即公司为指定年份所交纳的联邦所得税税额。
On Friday alone, 10-year German bund yields rose 0.15 percentage point to 3.25%, accounting for half of the 0.30-percentage-point rise this year.
They are also the largest investors in hedge funds, accounting for about half the investment in the industry, or $800 billion at the end of last year.
The group reckons that 600,000 families with 1.35m children experience homelessness each year, accounting for about half of the national total.
The Sakhalin II project will produce as much as 9.6m tonnes of LNG a year, 60% of which will go to Japan, accounting for about 7% of its LNG imports.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world, accounting for almost seven million deaths per year, with 100, 000 of those in Britain.
The country is the world's largest producer and consumer of aluminium, accounting for roughly 40 per cent of the global market of 40m tonnes a year.
The country is the world's largest producer and consumer of aluminium, accounting for roughly 40 per cent of the global market of 40m tonnes a year.