Chinese companies and students in NSW also acted quickly to send their care and love to the afflicted people.
Therefore the Lord rejected all the people of Israel; he afflicted them and gave them into the hands of plunderers, until he thrust them from his presence.
We don't have enough data to give an actual number of people afflicted with the disorder, you can just see from the papers and the cases being reported that it may not be all that rare.
You mentioned that 1 or 2 percent of the population could be at risk for SCDS. Do you know how many people are afflicted with this disorder?
你提到人群中1% ~ 2%的人有患SCDS的风险。你知不知道有多少人受到该病症的折磨?
The actual incidence of minor illness may be higher, as many people afflicted by food-borne disease suffer in the privacy of their homes.
He will defend the afflicted among the people and save the children of the needy; he will crush the oppressor.
Gone is her Mickey Mouse voice (particular to Grandin, rather than autistic people generally), the constant anxiety and the sensory sensitivity that afflicted her in the past.
Some 15 million Britons are currently afflicted, but with more people moving to cities, the number of sufferers will double to 32million by 2030.
But after they had moved it, the LORD's hand was against that city, throwing it into a great panic. He afflicted the people of the city, both young and old, with an outbreak of tumors.
In the 1950s, more than 50 million people worldwide were afflicted by the disease until WHO, in partnership with UNICEF, established a massive global control programme to eliminate it.
The latest estimate from the World Health Organization is that in 2008 the disease killed more than a million people and afflicted 247 million others.
More than 20 people at the hospital, including 14 students and some resident doctors, are afflicted with the disease now.
There are many places in the world where people are afflicted by starvation.
Do not hand over the life of your dove to wild beasts; do not forget the lives of your afflicted people forever.
I will also leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, and they shall trust in the name of the LORD.
Why? I would go to meet the people there who have been afflicted by famine and devastation.
The people of the afflicted areas are certain to need our help.
Feelings are ultimately afflicted people, it might be said to be encountered by the wrong people.
The quake-afflicted people were all provided with clothing, food and other things they needed.
The quake-afflicted people were all provided with clothing, food and other things they needed.