The guests had all been personally invited by Mr Mandela to mark the inaugural journey of South Africa's newly renovated equivalent of the Orient Express, called the Blue Train.
There was a technique for negotiating the narrow corridors of the moving train without becoming black and blue, and by day two we had got the hang of it.
About two hours and 80 miles out from Blenheim, the train began to run alongside the blue of the Pacific.
The white bullet train whooshed out of the station, its blue pinstripe a blur as it sliced across the Chinese countryside at more than 200 miles an hour.
The train sped on; the broad fields with their blue-green border trees, and the villages nestling in their shade flew past in a stream of pictures which melted away like a flood of mirages.
On the bench beside me a young boy kept glancing up from his copy of Thomas the Tank Engine at the stout, blue-painted train we were waiting to board.
All of which suggests that, 50 years after the Great Train Robbery, Britain's traditional blue-collar, hands-on crime is a thing of the past.
Let us just imagine: you are in a train running fast through beautiful grassland that goes beyond your sight. The blue sky stands high and animal crowds are moving forward.
Beyond the ballpark is an industrial neighborhood of warehouses and train tracks, and beyond that I can see the deep blue of San Diego bay.
You can take the red line train from here, but you'll have to transfer to the blue line at Fuxingmen transfer station . After you transfer, take the blue line that is heading north towards Fuchengmen.
During courtship the crested male common peacock displays his elongated upper tail coverts-a magnificent green and gold erectile train adorned with blue-green eyes-before the duller-plumaged peahen.
That's right, because he's got to get to the train station from his house, then take the blue line into the city, then switch trains to the red line.
Once while the train was travelling through Ohio, my uncle and the young man who had accepted the cigarette and two young ladies on their way to Vasser formed a 15 quartet and sang at a Wabash blue.
Dora and Boots set out to help the Little Blue Train win the race to the Big Yellow Station so that he can win the grand prize, a new whistle.
Dora and Boots set out to help the Little Blue Train win the race to the Big Yellow Station so that he can win the grand prize, a new whistle.